Thursday, April 24, 2014

Prayer Request

Please pray for the Church that we will be working on during our time with ARM.  Pray that the construction will be completed for the dedication on May 10th.


  1. Hey Arizona Team, I am enjoying awesome pictures, we are continuing to pray for everyone, as you are doing a great work in Arizona. God has a plan for each and everyone one of you. Remember Phil 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengten me." God Bless! Hi Doug, have a great day, love you, Mom.

  2. So wonderful to see the pictures of your hard work! Great job team! "Be not weary in well doing" Gal 6:9. We are so proud of you. Continuing to pray for energy and protection as you finish the week! Will certainly pray for the work to be complete for the May 10th dedication. Blessings today! Love~Mom Savarese

  3. Beautifu pitures and kids looking so happy to serve together. I'm thrilled to see the smiling faces and the joy you all seem to have. Stay safe and have fun.
    Blesssings to each, hugs to Molly, love Mom

  4. Okay - so I admit...I am a Team Arizona stalker!
    So great to hear all of your updates & pictures! I am so proud of you all and thankful & joyful for your willingness & faithfulness in this endeavor!
    Much love to you ALL!!
    And a shout-out to Cowboy Tinkies!

    2 Thessalonians 3:13
    And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

  5. Hope you all are enjoying your final night in Arizonia. The Lord has truly blessed you all as we have seen from the pictures and your the labor you are doing. Keeping you all in our prayers and Safe travels back to New Jersey tomorrow.
    Love you lots Danelle.
